All posts by Dan

MRR Radio #1856 – 3/19/23 – clean version

See playlist HERE

More info on the clean version of MRR Radio can be found here


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2. Permalink (the permalink should be: mrrradio17XX-clean – just that and nothing else)
3. The playlist link (in the line of code after “see playlist” put in the correct show number for mrr-radio-17XX — If you do not see this, you are not in Text mode. Change from Visual to Text in the tabs below and to the right of the post title.)

Using the “Add Media” button above, upload the MP3 file for the cleaned up episode. Before uploading be sure it is the correct size (around 55 MB) and named properly (mrrradio17XX-clean.mp3). After it uploads, copy the URL from the right side of the Add Media window.

Under Podcast Episode below, paste the URL then click Verify.

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(On the right) Under “Publish immediately”, change publish date to date of radio show, 7:00am, click OK, then click Schedule.

MRR Radio #1855 – 3/5/23 – clean version

See playlist HERE

More info on the clean version of MRR Radio can be found here


Edit this post in Text mode (not Visual).


1. Post title (show # and date)
2. Permalink (the permalink should be: mrrradio17XX-clean – just that and nothing else)
3. The playlist link (in the line of code after “see playlist” put in the correct show number for mrr-radio-17XX — If you do not see this, you are not in Text mode. Change from Visual to Text in the tabs below and to the right of the post title.)

Using the “Add Media” button above, upload the MP3 file for the cleaned up episode. Before uploading be sure it is the correct size (around 55 MB) and named properly (mrrradio17XX-clean.mp3). After it uploads, copy the URL from the right side of the Add Media window.

Under Podcast Episode below, paste the URL then click Verify.

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(On the right) Under “Publish immediately”, change publish date to date of radio show, 7:00am, click OK, then click Schedule.