The image you use for the post should be a JPEG (PNG or GIF will also work, but when possible please convert to JPEG). Do not use a TIFF!
Before uploading the image, give the file a name that identifies the band/subject – e.g., “the_shitfucks.jpg”, not “IMG_193667823.jpg”.
The image must be at least 450 pixels wide and 400 pixels high, and we ask that you make it no more than 1000 pixels at its longest side. If your image is bigger than this, use Photoshop, Preview (if you’re on a Mac), or any other photo editing software to downsize the image. To keep the file size down, save your image as a JPEG, with image quality of “8” and format as “Baseline Optimized” (this might only be an option in Photoshop, I’m not sure). Ideally it should be around 200 kb — definitely no more that 1MB.
Note: It is important that images uploaded to the website are the right size (dimension-wise), and that the file size is not too big. Large files take up space on the server, which slows down the website and can raise our fees if we have to upgrade to larger storage. Thanks!