Updating issue numbers in Back Issues products


In the Single Back Issue and 6 Back Issues posts, add two issues ago to the issue’ descriptions and the Attributes list(s).

GENERAL SIDE NOTE: To edit’ products, you can go to the’ Products list in the WordPress’ dashboard, but the easiest way to edit something that is’ already posted is to log in’ (if you haven’t already),’ go to the front page of the store site (store.maximumrocknroll.com), click on’ the item’ you want to edit,’ then’ click Edit Product in the admin bar at the top:

Edit product from storefront

Even easier than that, though, for the purposes of these instructions, here are direct links to the editing pages for the two items’ you will be updating here:
Single Back Issue
6 Back Issues


(Scroll down for detailed version with screen shots.)

Updating’ Single Back Issue’ post in the MRR Webstore

NOTE: You may want to edit both the Single Back Issue and 6 Back Issue posts at the same time, since you will be making some’ identical changes to both.’ 

  1. Open the’ “Write up etc” file for two issues ago in TextWrangler (or wherever you are editing’ text and code)
  2. Copy the code section labeled “SINGLE BACK ISSUE and 6 BACK ISSUES in webstore”
  3. Go to edit the’ Single Back Issue’ post
  4. In Text mode, place you cursor right before the first <td> tag in the back issue descriptions section’ and paste the code
  5. Scroll down to the’ Product Data’ pane and click’ Attributes
  6. Click the small arrow to the right of “Issue #
  7. Add the number of the’ issue before last’ – so if you have just posted #386, it should say “384 | 383 | 382 | 381 | …”
  8. Click’ Save attributes
  9. Preview Changes’ –make sure the’ ISSUE # dropdown’ includes’ the issue before last,’ and that the’ Details/Additional Info’ section shows the issue before last
  10. Click’ Update’ on the post

Updating’ 6-Back-Issues’ post in the MRR Webstore
  1. Open the’ “Write up etc” file for two issues ago’ in TextWrangler (or wherever you are editing’ text and code)
  2. Copy the code’ section labeled “SINGLE BACK ISSUE and 6 BACK ISSUES in webstore”
  3. Go to edit the 6 Back Issues’ post
  4. In Text mode, place you cursor right before the first <td> tag in the back issue descriptions section’ and paste the code
  5. Scroll down to the’ Product Data’ pane and click’ Attributes
  6. Click the small arrow to the right of “1: (pick an issue)
  7. Add the number of the issue before last’ – so if you have just posted #386, it should say “384 | 383 | 382 | 381 | …”
  8. Continue to do the same thing for numbers 2—6
  9. Click’ Save attributes
  10. Preview Changes’ –make sure all 6’ dropdowns include the issue before last,’ and that the’ Details/Additional Info section shows the issue before last
  11. Click’ Update on the post


1. Open the’ “Write up etc” file for two issues ago’ in TextWrangler (or wherever you are editing’ text and code)
2. Copy the code’ section labeled “SINGLE BACK ISSUE and 6 BACK ISSUES in webstore”

Code for 2 issues ago description - webstore

3. Go to edit the’ Single Back Issue’ post’ by using this link:’ Edit single back issue’ post.’ If you want to edit the post from’ ’ the’ Products list’ in the’ WordPress dashboard, it’s one of the last items in the list and it’s called’ “Single back issue of <em>MRR</em> magazine”

4. In Text mode, place you cursor right before the first <td> tag in the back issue descriptions section’ and’ paste the code

2 issues ago description inserted- webstore

5. Scroll down to the’ Product Data’ pane and click’ Attributes

Single Back Issue - attributes - webstore

6. Click the small arrow to the right of “Issue #
7. Add the number of the’ issue before last’ – so if you have just posted #386, it should say “384 | 383 | 382 | 381 | …”
8. Click’ Save attributes

9. Preview Changes on the post –’ make sure the’ ISSUE # dropdown’ includes’ the issue before last,’ and that the’ Details/Additional Info’ section shows the issue before last

Single Back Issue - preview dropdown - webstore

Back Issues - preview descriptions - webstore

10. Click’ Update’ on the post


NOTE: These steps are the same as for the Single Back Issue post, except that you will be updating six fields in the Attributes section instead of just one.

1. Open the’ “Write up etc” file for two issues ago’ in TextWrangler (or wherever you are editing’ text and code)
2. Copy the code’ section labeled “SINGLE BACK ISSUE and 6 BACK ISSUES in webstore”

Code for 2 issues ago description - webstore

3. Go to edit the’ 6 Back Issues’ post’ by using this link:’ Edit 6-back-issue’ post.’ If you want to edit the post from’ ’ the’ Products list’ in the’ WordPress dashboard, it’s one of the last items in the list and it’s called’ “Any 6 back issues of <em>MRR</em>”

4. In Text mode, place you cursor right before the first <td> tag in the back issue descriptions section’ and’ paste the code

2 issues ago description inserted- webstore

5. Scroll down to the’ Product Data’ pane and click’ Attributes

6 Back Issues - 6 attributes - webstore

6. Click the small arrow to the right of “1: (pick an issue)
7. Add the number of the’ issue before last’ – so if you have just posted #386, it should say “384 | 383 | 382 | 381 | …”
8. Make the same update to’ “2: (pick another!)” all the way through’ “6: (last one!)
9. Click’ Save attributes

10. Preview Changes’ on the post –’ make sure’ all 6’ dropdowns’ include the issue before last,’ and that the’ Details/Additional Info’ section shows the issue before last

6 Back Issues - preview dropdowns - webstore

Back Issues - preview descriptions - webstore

11. Click’ Update’ on the post

A weekly radio show featuring the best DIY punk, garage rock and hardcore from the astounding, ever-growing Maximum Rocknroll record collection.